
"Summary" Reflective Synopsis

What have I learnt from the course: Managing E-Learning? After considerable reflection, I concluded; there are two broad areas I can categorise my newly developed knowledge and skills within. My first area of learning includes the extensive resources, presently available to me as a teacher, in both a human and non-human form. The second area, relates to how learner's best learn; including, expectations of me as a teacher in the 21st century. This reflective synopsis will provide an overview of why I have selected a number of resources, including, how I will select and apply these to make my teaching more efficient; including, how this will enhance the learning experiences for all of my students. In addition, I will discuss the human resources encountered, indicating the benefits and shortfalls; resulting from, comments others have left on my blog; comments I have made on other blogs and the responses to both.

The following discussion provides an overview of why I have selected information and communication technologies (ICT's) to be an integral part of my future lesson planning. Marc Prensky (2001, p. 1) stated, "Our students have changed radically. Today's students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach." Marc's message can be easily related to societal changes I have observed over the past fifteen years; such as, the rapid increase in available technologies, particularly, in the uptake and application by the younger generations including, but not limited to; the Y, Z, and Alpha generations. Marc also explains how these generations, now representing all of the children in our school system, have spent their entire lives immersed within these technologies. They have exhibited little focus on traditional learning activities such as reading, writing or the application of calculus without the aid of technology. I have commented on this change in my past and questioned why these generations spend all of their time playing games and cannot seem to focus on a topic. I have asked what is wrong with these generations; quickly responding to my own question, by laying blame and often justifying my generational position in society. It is only since my recent studies and research, including this course; I am now starting to understand the plight of today's school children.

I am known as a "digital immigrant"; the person, attempting to understand and apply these technologies; something, "digital natives" have always only ever known (Pensky, 2001). So how does Marc Prenky's (2001, p.1) statement relate to teaching and learning in today's schools or to me as a future Learning Manager? Where do I belong in the future of education and how can I assist digital natives? As I seek to find my place within teaching; I also believe, my students will also be seeking to identify where and how they belong within my classroom. We may seem to be a world apart; however, this will not always be as I have made the choice to transpose into their world allowing myself to embrace present technologies along with the philosophy of a life-long learner.

Marc Prensky (2005, p.60-64) asserts "Engage Me or Enrage Me" is the catchcry demand made by today's learners; furthermore, claiming today's technologically savvy students find the traditional school learning experiences unchallenging and unengaging; concluding, they will simply "power down" when forced to sit in classrooms primarily structured for educating a past generation of students within an industrial era. Consequently, they fail to achieve a sense of "belonging" within this environment; as a result, they also fail to experience a sense of achievement; therefore, are unlikely to obtain any recognition from significant others interested in their education. This path continues as they fail to achieve a belief in their own talents, creativity and fulfilment through self-actualisation as indicated in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, cited in the publication "The Need to Belong: Rediscovering Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" (Krunc, n.d., pp. 1-14).

I am able to identify my place, my belonging, as a future Learning Manager. I can now conceptualise how ICT's can be applied to make my teaching more efficient; as well as, to engage my learners by communicating in this 21st Century language. I will achieve desirable outcomes by merging the current curriculum with appropriate ICT's to produce authentic and engaging learning experiences for all of my students. To help me construct my learning experiences I will consult a number of proven research theories and frameworks. "Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning" written by Greg Kearsley and Ben Shneiderman (1999), represents part of the research I will use to inform the development of my future learning experience plans (LEP's: otherwise known as lesson plans). Engagement theory provides a model for including ICT's within my lesson plans. The aim is to engage students within authentic activities designed to deliver pre-determined learning outcomes through the application of non-academic, project-based assignments involving group collaboration. This focus has been summarised as "Relate-Create-Donate" (Kearsley & Shneiderman, 1999, pp. 6-7).

As a new Learning Manager I am eager to include ICT's immediately within one of my disciplinary areas being manual arts. Traditionally, this subject is taught within a workshop environment. Students are usually issued with a handbook containing dull illustrations; a few sets of poorly structured working drawings possibly developed using a word processor; a load of printed text and a few pages resembling a year 3 text; within which, the students fill in the gaps by answering a few questions as evidence of their formal declarative assessment. I am excited by the opportunity that such manual arts environments present. To me, this is the ideal situation to commence my new career in teaching. Failure is virtually impossible given the present situation and that anything that is done can only improve the status quo. I will be able to focus on my task, gain valuable experience, build self-confidence; and above all, will be able to witness instantaneous success if I apply my knowledge and skills of Engagement Theory correctly.

The following is an example of how I may structure a first lesson in manual arts. This approach will contrast any of the present practices I have witnessed within four schools to date. As my students are invited inside the workshop, to commence the class, they will be greeted with background music aimed to invoke emotional calmness. My students will be introduced to their new environment through a PowerPoint presentation run via my laptop onto a large flat screen monitor. Students may make themselves comfortable by seating on bench tops or standing behind the bench areas. This is quite alright, as an embedded avatar will explain with a clear voice, 'Welcome to manual arts, I am Mr. Spencer's assistant. This introduction will take no more than 5 minutes, so ensure you are comfortable, either seated on benches or standing behind them. Make sure you can see and hear me.' There is a brief pause to allow students to move. The avatar continues, 'Can everyone see and hear me now?' Pause once again to allow the teacher to respond and make adjustments for anyone. The avatar now states, 'Now that everyone can see and hear me, we will start today, with a 3 minute introductory video from YouTube. This will explain some more about this subject and what you should expect. See you all soon.' The YouTube video commences. The inclusion of a speaking avatar, embedded in the PowerPoint presentation, is like having a teacher's assistant present to help me focus and instruct my learners. For details of how I will use these ICT's, my rationale for using them and examples, refer to my blog postings titled: "Incompetech", "PowerPoint", "SlideShare", "YouTube" and "Avatars". Other examples of how I plan to include ICT's and discussions; including, how this will make my teaching more efficient and enhance the learning experiences for all students may be found within the following blog posts titled: "Google Earth", "Mahara e-Portfolio", "RSS", "Wiki" and "Wikipedia".

Apart from discovering the benefits associated with investigating these ICT's, I have also discovered the human resources. These are the people with whom I have collaborated through electronic communications. Considering this was my first experience in setting up a blog and applying an ICT, other than email or Skype to communicate with others, the experience has been very successful. I found the communications, from or to others, did not gather momentum until the blog was structured and containing several postings. This may be an area I would focus upon, with my students, or with other stakeholders attached to my subject or teacher blogs. From an learners perspective, the majority of comments gave to me a sense of achievement and instant gratification. I discovered inspiration for ideas where being developed as I read incoming comments, as well as, when responding to these comments. Some of the benefits offered through blogs, also produce, its shortfalls. An example of this is the potential to remain anonymous by using a fictitious blog identity. While this is useful to protect students within a public environment or encourage victims experiencing a crisis to reach out to someone; it unfortunately provides some with an opportunity to inflict harm upon others by issuing verbal abuse or threats. This is known as cyber-bullying (Media Awareness Network, 2010). I believe the greatest benefit came from postings that included personal issues or triumphs in areas that I had similar interests. This provided me with an immediate resource to ask further questions, seek advice or assist others in return.

In conclusion, I believe that ICT's can and must be included as part of every subject in schooling. As a Learning Manager, it is my responsibility to participate within a community of practice; and, establish RSS feeds to prominent ICT forums, so as to inform my own continuous professional development. My eagerness to speak this language, of the 21st Century, is underpinned by my own life-long learning commitment; which, will also be reflected in the continuing engagement of my learners.


Kearsley, G. & Shneiderman, B. (1999). Engagement theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Retrieved from http://home.sprynet.com/~gkearsley/engage.htm

Krunc. N. (n.d.). The need to belong: Rediscovering Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Retrieved from http://moodle.cqu.edu.au/mod/resource/view.php?id=44149

Media Awareness Network. (2010). Web awareness. Challenging cyberbullying. Retrieved from http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/resources/special_initiatives/wa_resources/wa_shared/backgrounders/challenge_cyberbullying.cfm

Prensky. M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. Retrieved from http://www.marcprensky.com/writing/Prensky%20-%20Digital%20Natives,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf

Prensky. M. (2005). Engage me or enrage me: What today’s learners demand. Retrieved from http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/erm0553.pdf

Appendix A

 Blog comment list:

April 27, 2010 19:06
Post - Amanda H
Left a comment on Learning Engagement Theory…Provide a suggestion for ICT inclusion within Amanda’s after school cooking classes.

April 29, 2010 2:08
Post -  Amanda G
Stated how interesting and engaging - mission accomplished, well done… The more you brainstorm about the possibilities the greater the opportunities.

April 27, 2010 20:14
Post - Laura
Discussed wiki or blog to communicate with students from other places, particularly in a global environment… assist in developing Australia to achieve an inclusive society.

April 28, 2010 16:42
Reply - Laura
I accidently called Laura by another name in the prior post ‘Amanda’. My reply to Laura’s correct….Sorry Laura. You can call whatever you like. lol. But be nice :- )

April 29, 2010 21:00
Post - Bec
Discussed remembering orienteering, wow, what a difference Google Earth would have made… students to locate a positions of longitude and latitude on their GPS and then compare the results of those co-ordinates within Google Earth… issues with SlideShare ..pursue a better tool. When I find it, I will post it to my blog.

April 27, 2010 7:12
Post - Coreena
I indicated I had the same issue and lost all automated macros including sounds when uploading via SlideShare… I believe there are other more effective programs that allow direct uploads; however, this may come at a cost. If you ever find an easier way, please share this info with me. I will reciprocate the offer.

April 27, 2010 6:55
Post - Sylvia
Today, the majority of written text is codified; hence, the focus has been diminished as far as most students are concerned…. I am also torn between my belief that English… students today argue… rarely write; however, consider for a moment a world without standards. The result is chaos… Standards are critical… relevant content, which will include some traditional information, needs to be underpinned by current technologies and research. The reason for Learning Engagement Theory

April 27, 2010 18:26
Post - Meryl
As Meryl had alluded to, by allowing students the opportunity to review the material at their own time and place… experienced the same issues as you… When I find a suitable source I will post it to my blog and share it with others.

April 28, 2010 12:17
Reply - Meryl
Your a champion. Try leaving a comment on my blog if you like. I was not aware that I had restricted comments to only members.

April 27, 2010 19:33
Post - Dallas
Great job on your Voki avatar. Yes, it will make learning much more engaging and fun… Like you, I am also a digital immigrant and have found this course to be… I recently joined a group known as 1GOAL. On the 20th April they held the world’s largest classroom lesson involving more than 75,000 participants using Web 2.0 technology. Now that's a "WOW" factor for education. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV5XaSfvNz0

April 29, 2010 3:42
Post - Ellie
Stated how I enjoyed reading the blog. Well done…social networking benefits are extremely important… made reference to Vygotskian Social Constructivism Theory…

April 13, 2010 12:52
Post - Lauren Mc
We discussed Mahara concept and application of the tool to be a little confusing at first… put extra effort into additional research… thank you for setting up the group discussion area for "The Bermuda Triangle". I have subscribed to this forum.

29/4/10 21:23
Post - Zelina
Brilliant! You may have saved me a lot of time seeking an alternative program, than SlideShare… I would be interested to know; if you are able to… your idea of using PowerPoint for hand and eye coordination. I can sum this up with one word "Innovative". Well done.

29/4/10 21:27
Post - Zelina
I stated how I also like the way you have setup your blog comments… I will look into my settings and attempt to replicate this. If I have any issues, I know who to ask.

May 6, 2010 3:27
Reply – Amanda H
I'm glad that my posting has been useful to you. I find no better feedback than this.
I will be opening this blog to the public following course assessment so that I can continue to share ICT focused on assisting educators globally. I hope to share other products with you in the future.

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